Story of the First Thanksgiving - I. AJ


Story of the first Thanksgiving

SSŠ, Starozagorská 8, Košice

číslo 63


11 osôb


PILGRIMS – otec, mama, 3 deti

2 VOJACI – neskôr sa zmenia na pirátov, neskôr na indiánov


ŽRALOK  - neskôr sa zmení na indiána


Scéna 1

Pilgrimovia sedia pri stole, chystajú sa jesť.

Rozprávač: This is a story about Thanksgiving. Many years ago, people lived in colonies in England. They loved God and wanted to live according to his principles. These people were callled Pilgrims or Puritans, because they wanted to live a pure life. Other people in the country had different beliefs and did not like the Puritans.  

Mama: Let’s pray before eating. (prežehnajú sa)

Vojak 1: Stop it, now! You can’t do that here in our country!

Otec: Why we can’t do that? We are doing no harm.

Vojak 2: Yes, you are. You wear strange clothes, you don’t want to work on Sundays, you want to pray to your God. We don’t want you here!

(vojaci odídu)

Mama: What are we going to do?

Otec: We must leave the country and find somewhere else to live.

Dieťa 1: But, Daddy, I have my friends here.

Dieťa 2: Well, I don’t. Nobody wants to play with me anyway. They always laugh at me and say mean things.

Dieťa 3: We want to find another country to live. New friends will certainly like us.


Scéna 2

(hudba) Pirates of the Caribbean.

Rozprávač: So they boarded a big ship called Mayflower. It was in the 1620. The journey across the ocean was very hard and they had many problems.

Pilgrims – sedia v lodi, veslujú

Žralok – príde na scénu, krúži okolo lode

Dieťa 1: Mummy, Mummy, look! There is a shark! It is going to eat us! Help! Help!

Mama: Don’t worry, we are safe here. This ship is strong.

Piráti prídu na scénu:

Pirát 1: This is a robbery! Give us your ship and all your money!

Otec: No, we won’t. We are going to fight you!

(piráti a pilgrimovia sa bijú, piráti padajú na zem, zožerie ich žralok)

Rozprávač: Finally, they came into a new country. When they landed the pilgrims needed food to eat. They looked for fresh food in the forest.

Dieťa 3: Mum, look, there are some mushrooms.

Dieťa 1: And I have some herbs.

Mama: Very well. We can cook a soup. Daddy, you need to go and find some meat.

Otec: Yes, I will try to catch some fish, if there is any.

Rozprávač: They also gathered seeds and berries to eat. The first winter in America was long and hard. Many of the pilgrims became ill.

(sedia pri ohni)

Dieťa 2: Mummy, I am very cold and my head aches.

Dieťa 3: I think I have a stomach-ache. (vyberú teplomery, mamka ich hladká po čele)

Otec: What are we going to do?

Mama: We  need to pray. Our God will help us. (modlia sa)

Rozprávač: Many of the Pilgrims died that winter. They were happy when the spring came but they were also afraid of another cold and long winter because they had only little to eat.

Scéna 3

Pilgrimovia sedia v kruhu, akože sa modlia.

Indiáni začnú v kruhu tancovať na hudbu   Ghost Dance – Native American Power Drums -Spirit Pride.

Indiáni (bývalí piráti a žralok) tancujú, potom Indián 1 ukáže prstom na skupinku pilgrimov

Indián 1: Look, there is somebody in the forest. Lets go and find out who they are.

(plazia sa za pilgrimami)

Pilgrimovia zdesene vstanú, hovoria:

Otec: Who are you? What do you want?

Mama: We are only poor pilgrims. We have nothing to eat and we are very hungry.  My name is Mary and these are our children.

Indián 1: My name is Squanto and these are my friends. We can help you to survive.

Indián 2: I can teach you how to hunt quail. (ukáže ako strieľať s lukom)

Indián 3: I can teach you how to heal illnesses. (má v ruke bylinky)

Indián 4: I can teach you how to build huts. (ukazuje domček)

Indián 1: And I can teach you how to plant corn. (dá im kukuricu a spolu sadia, potom sa kukurica urodí a všetci sú šťastní)

Posadia sa do kruhu a spolu sa kolíšu. Koniec piesne Ghost Dance, píšťalka.

Scéna 4

Rozprávač: In autumn they were ready for the upcoming winter.

Mama: Let’s celebrate and give thanks to God.

Otec: We should invite our friends who helped us to find food and build houses.

Pilgrims spolu: Come, and join us in the feast of thanksgiving.

Indián 1: We are glad we could help you. Let’s stay friends forever.

(podajú si ruky jeden indián s jedným pilgrimom) Na záver sa zoradia a zaspievajú pesničku.

Spievajú všetci:

Little Pilgrim clothed in grey, on that first Thanksgiving Day.

Natives also clothed in brown, come to visit Plymouth town

Side by side they ate and prayed, on that first thanksgiving Day.

Let’s be thankful for this day, for our friends and our play.

Let’s be thankful , let’s be glad, for our food and the things we have,

Let’s give thanks for you and me, and our home and family.



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