Common Heroes - II. AJ


Common Heroes by Natália Peciarová

Gymnázium Partizánske

číslo 70


Scéna 1:    izba

Tom: /- študent, učí sa dejepis, zaspáva nad knihou/

           Juro Jánošík was a Slovak folk hero who robbed the rich and gave to the poor. He was born at Terchová in 1688. 

          People loved him, but he was hung for his deeds in 1713...


Scéna 2:    krčma  /sen/

Jánošík so svojou družinou prichádza do krčmy, sú veselí, spievajú a tancujú. (ľudová pieseň)

Zrazu vôjdu dvaja pandúri, sadnú si za stôl a chlapci s dievčatami utečú preč. Zostane iba sám Jánošík, sedí za stolom a tvári sa akoby nič.

Pandúr 1:             I am so tired.

Pandúr 2:            So am I. Hey, inkeeper, bring something to eat.

Pandúr 1:            And the best drink you have.

Innkeeper:          Just a moment, Noble Men.

Pandúr 1:            Oh, come on, get a move on! Don´t you see, we´re dead tired and hungry?

Pandúr 2:            Damn! The foxy Jánošík! We´ve been chasing him for many days... But when we catch him...

                               When I catch him... I´ll get a huge reward!

Pandúr 1:            Yes, my dear friend, WE´ll get a huge reward!

                               /Ukážu na plagát na stene a odmenu za dolapenie Jánošíka. Potom si pripijú./

                                Krčmárka im prinesie jesť a jednému z pandúrov pošepká, že za vedľajším stolom sedí Jánošík.    

                                Obaja pandúri sa pozrú na Jánošíka a začnú sa hlasno smiať. Potom sa začnú vysmievať krčmárke.

Pandúr 1:             You must be totally blind or stupid!

Pandúr 2:             Jánošík is giant of a man, not such a dwarf!

Pandúr 1:             Don´t make fools of us, you ... an old witch!

                                V tom sa Jánošík nahnevá, vstane od stola a pristúpi k pandúrom.

Jánošík:                 Hey, you two, behave yourselves! I´ll give you a lesson how to treat ladies! I´ll teach you good

                                manners!     (chytí ich pod krk a vedie ich von z krčmy, krčmárka ide za ním a krčmár sa iba pozerá v

                                nemom úžase)

Pandúr 1:             Excuse me, I am really sorry!!!

Pandúr 2:             Yes, I am sorry, as well. We both are so sorry about what we said when we were hungry.

                            (utečú von z krčmy)

Krčmárka:           Oh, my dear, Jurko! Sorry, I didn´t want you to go to prison...  It would be a shame to hang such

                            a MAN! Thank you for protecting me, I´ll never forget! And because you helped me, I´ll do something

                            for you in return. Come with me. (otvorí mu skriňu) Go in, nobody will find you there.

                             Jánošík vstúpi do skrine. Krčmárka zatvorí a začne sa vytešovať.

                            Now you won´t escape! You are mine till the end of time! I don´t need any reward for finding you. You

                            are my reward! A woman doesn´t need anything if she has a real man, a hero... A man who knows what 

                            a woman needs – only three things: food, water and compliments. Moreover, behind every successful

                            man there must be a pretty and successful woman.                                (usmeje sa a natešene odíde)         


Scéna 3:    trieda  /sen/

                                   Učiteľka vôjde do triedy, žiaci kričia, vyvádzajú.

Učiteľka:                Good morning! Stand up, sit down.

                                  Oh, what a mess in here! Students, how can we keep the school clean?

Mark:                       By staying at home, Miss.

                                  Tony spí na lavici.

Učiteľka:                 Hey, Tony, wake up! The school isn´t a place to sleep.

Tony:                       Ok, Miss, but if school isn´t a place to sleep, then home isn´t a place to study.

Učiteľka:                Oh, thanks Tony to remember me the reason I´m here. So let´s revise ...

                                 Mark, could you please tell me, why you are talking during my teaching?

Mark:                     Why are you teaching during my conversation, Miss?

Učiteľka:                Don´t be rude! There are two things you should learn in school...

Tony:                       Texting without looking (ukáže mobil) and teamwork on tests.

Učiteľka:                You said teamwork, Tony, didn´t you? I´ve already checked your homework. Did your father help

                                 you with it?

Mark:                       No, he did it all by himself.

Učiteľka:               Don´t laugh, Mark. How long did it take you to do your homework?

Mark:                    About 5 hours, few minutes for finding out what to do and nearly five hours to get my sister out off

                               the computer.      

Učiteľka:              And where is your book, Tony?

Tony:                    I lost it fighting Google, Tom, who said you weren´t the best teacher in school.

Učiteľka:              Do you want to go to the principal´s office, Tom?

Tom:                      But...

Učiteľka:              Why do I give you homework?    

Mark:                    To annoy us!

Učiteľka:              You should be ashamed of yourselves! So let´s revise what we learnt at the previous lesson.

                                Come to the front, Tom.

Tom:                      pomaly príde pred tabuľu

Učiteľka:              What or who did we talk about last lesson?

Tom:                      About Jánošík, Miss.

Učiteľka:              So, tell us something about him.  

Tom:                     Well, he was a hero who robbed the poor and gave to the rich.

                               Všetci sa začnú smiať.

                               Oh, sorry, he robbed the rich and gave to the poor.

Učiteľka:              Ok, continue.

Tom:                     He was... he was... he was brave and strong and tall.

Učiteľka:              How do you know, he was tall? Did you meet him?

Mark:                    Yes, he was helping Jánošík to pick up the peas that the old woman threw on the floor for catching


                                Všetci sa smejú a v tom vstúpi do triedy Jánošík. Učiteľka sa vyľaká, všetci stíchnu.     

Učiteľka:              It´s enough! I´m fed up! I´m fed up with you!   (s plačom utečie z triedy)

                               V triede nastane smiech a troublemakers (Mark, Paul, Tony) sa zhŕknu okolo Jánošíka, Tom stojí

                               tiež pred tabuľou.           

Mark:                  Hey, great outfit. Is there´s a fancy dress party in our school today?

Paul:                   Which century did you escape from?

Jánošík:              I´m Juraj Jánošík from Terchová.

Tony:                  Of course, and we are teddy bears!

                             Všetci padajú od smiechu. Tom vezme Jánošíka bokom, ostatní výjdu so smiechom von z triedy.

Tom:                  Don´t mind them. They don´t understand history.

                            But what are you doing here?

Jánošík:             Oh, that´s a loooong history, my dear friend.

                            V tom Tomovi zazvoní mobil.

Tom:                  Sorry.  (povie Jánošíkovi, ktorý sa začudovane pozerá)

                            Yes, Mum. ... Yes, I´m fine. ...Yes, everything´s ok ... No, I´m not hungry ... Yes, no, don´t be afraid about

                            me ...  Yes, see you in the afternoon ... Bye...     

                           Jánošík sa stále začudovane pozerá na mobil, nevie, čo to je...

Tom:                That´s a smart phone, a useful gadget... Look! Let´s make a photo of you! ... Can you see? It´s you!

                           Jánošík stále nechápavo pozerá, obzerá si mobil.

                           Look, there´s the Internet, and here´s your village, Terchová, today. Has it changed a lot since you

                           lived there?   (obrázok Terchovej kedysi a dnes sa môže zobraziť aj na projektore – pre obecenstvo)

                           And now, the High Tatras, the most beautiful mountains in Slovakia, many years ago and now.

Jánošík:       No, what happened with all those trees?

Tom:            Unfortunatelly, a natural catastrophe, a very strong wind damaged a lot of trees in 2004.

Jánošík:       Oh, I can´t believe that! And I thought that the worst catastrophe in the world must be the woman who

                       has been keeping me in her wardrobe for hundreds years.                    

                       V tom prídu 3 troublemakers a začnú sa im posmievať.

Tony:            Oh, here you are! Like two love-birds!

Mark:            Yeah, sorry to interrupt your lovely conversation, but Tommy Google, don´t forget your duties.

Tony:              Yeah, the bosses are hungry! Cough up some food!

                        Yeah, food or money!

Jánošík:        Leave him alone! Keep out of him! Forever! (zaženie sa na nich a oni utečú)

                       Tom, you mustn´t let them put you down. You are absolutely unique, just like everyone else.  

Tom:             It´s easy for you, you are hero.

Jánošík:       Everyone is the hero of his own story. Many of the bravest people are not known and praised. Although

                      I know heroes from many coutries, we play cards together every Sunday, not to be bored in Heaven,

                      you know. There are names like Goethe, Tolstoj or Exupery. And the best friend of mine Ľudovít


                     Debata slávnych osobností v nebi, každý hovorí vlastnou rečou, napriek tomu si rozumejú.

Exupéry:    Les gens ont besoin de parler si vous devez comprendre.

                      /Ľudia musia spolu hovoriť, ak si majú porozumieť./

Goethe:     Verhalten ist ein Spiegel, in dem jeder seinen Charakter zeigt.

                    /Správanie je zrkadlo, v ktorom každý ukazuje svoju povahu./

Exupéry:   L'homme se reconnaît quand aux prises avec des obstacles.

                    /Človek poznáva sám seba, keď zápasí s prekážkami./

Štúr:          Slovák nosí všetko v srdci a v duši a dokáže to aj vyjadriť.

                      Slávni odídu. Na javisku zostane iba Jánošík a Tom.

Jánošík:       Well, every country has some national heroes and ordinary people to be proud of. Either alive or dead.

                      And all of them have something in common.

Tom:            Something in common?

Jánošík:       Yes, they love peace and do see others as friends, not enemies.


Scéna 4:    izba

                    Tom sa prebudí zo sna. V izbe je aj jeho sestra.

Tom:          I had a really strange dream...

Sister:       Did you marry me?

Tom:          Don´t be silly, you´re my sister. I met Jánošík.

Sister:        And I met Harry Potter!     (so smiechom odíde z izby)

Tom:          (hovorí si sám pre seba)
                    Maybe, it´s crazy, I know, but thanks to it,I´ve learnt my lesson – we are the heroes of our own story!


Author:   PaedDr. Natália Peciarová


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